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Networking 101 The Art of Successful Networking

  • Written by Melissa Phelan,
  • Published on 02 May 2023

Networking is all about talking to other business professionals to initially build rapport with the end goal of developing a strong, mutually beneficial, professional relationship. Networking is an integral part of running a successful business which is why it's so important to have well-developed networking skills.

Staying connected with others and going out to network, particularly when you're a small business owner, can often get pushed to the wayside by the rest of our daily work demands and we begin to lose those soft skills that are needed to initiate and build those professional relationships so here are some tips and tricks to get those networking skills on point.

Don't make it about the money

So, I know this is going to sound ridiculous but bear with me: I know it's about the money, but don't make it about the money. Networking shouldn't be about counting the dollars you can get from the person you're talking to but rather thinking of the ways you can work together, learn from each other, help each other and support each other.

Group of professionals networking

Invest in others

So, I know you network to get your name out there and make a connection with someone, but networking needs to be about the people you're speaking to, as much as it is about you. And it's not just about what they can offer your company, but you need to take an active interest in their success and genuine curiosity about them as an individual.

In order to have a meaningful discussion with someone, you should keep an eye out for chances to make an investment in the other person first. This will always be more memorable than the standard workplace or weather enquiries. People are more willing to invest in you, if you invest in them first.

Don't be afraid to be human

Being a business owner doesn't mean you aren't human so don't be afraid to show it. When you're networking, for some reason a part of your brain can go "oh, this is about business so I'm only going to talk about business" but it doesn't, especially if you are trying to build a connection with someone you've just met. When you only talk about business, it feels more like a sales pitch rather than a conversation to build rapport.

The best way to make a good impression and build rapport with someone is by telling stories, sharing jokes and having fun.

Research everything

I cannot tell you how important it is to do your research before you go to a networking event or even reach out to someone for the first time online or over the phone. The more you know about someone then the more likely you can build rapport with someone. This only works if you can speak comfortably with strangers. If it's something you struggle to do, then practice first because if you start regurgitating every little thing that you have learned about them without it being relevant to the conversation it just comes across as awkward. Practice with someone you are familiar with to better learn the best ways to incorporate information and facts into casual conversation while networking.

Group of professionals networking in a coffee shop

Step out of your comfort zone

When you network, you may find yourself naturally gravitating toward people like yourselves or those that you are already familiar with because, in the most basic terms, it's safe. This is even more common for introverts.

When you go to your next networking event, make a conscious effort to step out of your comfort zone and speak to people in different industries, that are different to you or at a different stage in their career to you. Diversity is one of the key factors in networking, not only does it bring new contacts but people that are diverse can often offer a different point of view to those that are more like you.

Quality over Quantity

Often you can feel pressure to build and maintain a wide network of contacts, however, this can be a quick way to burn out. It's much better to work with a smaller group of individuals on a series of long-term projects than to spread yourself too thin over a large number of short-term ones.

With your contacts, mark their birthdays and anniversaries in your calendar, and be sure to send them an email or card of congratulations. Ask if they want to get a coffee or lunch or ask about how their recent holiday was. These all show that you care about and respect them, which makes them more eager to work with you and refer you to others.

Being genuine, expressing interest in others, being open to approaching diverse sorts of individuals, and properly following up with each engagement are all great ways to extend your network when the chance arises. Aim for a meaningful relationship with everyone you meet, as networking is really a series of conversations. If you want to establish a good impression that will lead to successful business contacts, quality over quantity is the way to go.

Want to know more about networking?

If you want to know more about networking, check out the other articles by VSBN for further tips and tricks for getting the most from your networking, join our Facebook page or come to one our fun and informative networking events!

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